Weekly Review - 6th of June 2018

Weekly Review #14

My Final Pieces

This week I have been making last minute finishing touches to my final pieces and I finally finished them on Tuesday 5th of June 2018 and I had them put up by Tristram, the technician, on Wednesday 6th of June 2018. I am really happy with how my final pieces look together and I think they compliment each other really well. I picked my favourite ailments including; c-section scar, linea nigra, lymph nodes, mastitis, darkened nipples, vaginal prolapse, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and stretch marks. I have also put them into the right order so the top row represents ailments from the first trimester and so on. I wanted a red spotlight to be on my work so I need to ask my tutor to email the Riverfront. After wednesday, I will be finishing any timesheets, blog posts and anything in my sketchbook. I also need to write a short but detailed evaluation on my stage 3 project to mount next to my work. I am really excited for the exhibition on Friday 8th of June 2018 and I need to hand in my sketchbook for it to be marked before 10am of friday morning.


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