Weekly Review - 6th April 2018
Weekly Review #5
This week I decided that I need to work into my sketchbook more because my proposal, attending life drawing classes and researching pregnancy ailments and discomforts, has taken a lot of my time. I have been researching textiles pieces on pinterest and I found many inspiring images and I have created them into a collage and documented the source of the image. I found life drawings that had been reworked into hand stitched pieces and I found many textiles artists who had stitched into odd materials such as; vintage lingerie, period pads, nightgowns and an artist who had used her menstrual blood to create art. I have also created a double page in my sketchbook on prenatal and postnatal ailments and discomforts, I have used graphic images on the pages and I put a lot of hard research and effort into the page. I want to continue to use my sketchbook and add more research into it, I also want to start to experiment with digital work and how it can benefit my project.
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