Weekly Review - 4th of May 2018

Weekly Review #9

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This week I have started my final piece as I think that I am in a good place and I can finish book work as I am continuing with my final piece. Unfortunately, I did have to use a secondary image but I have researched the copyright laws and found out that because I am still in education, I will be making many changes to the photograph and I will not be making a profit for the piece, I am able to use the image. I will make sure that I reference the original owner of the photograph in my sketchbook and print out the copyright laws. This week I experimented with printing onto tracing paper to save time because I know that painting and stitching into my fabric will take along time and I have given myself just over a month to finish my final piece as my deadline for the piece is on Tuesday 5th of June 2018. Next week I will be continuing to work on my final piece and start to think about exhibition ideas and how will I add texture to my final piece.


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