Weekly Review - 20th April 2018 - 27th April 2018

Weekly Review #7 - #8

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During these two weeks I have continued to compile my research into my sketchbook and I have researched statistics on pregnancy loss and though it is a very sad topic, I thought that it was a key part of my project that I needed research so that I wasn't missing any information. Recently, the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to the third royal baby and I was shocked to see that only hours after she had given birth, she was leaving the hospital in a tight dress, high heels and a face of makeup. This caused controversy on social media platforms because other mums said that she was giving an unrealistic portrayal of how a woman should look after giving birth. I knew that I wanted to research more onto this topic and so I created a research page on how mothers and childbirth have been viewed through the ages by the media. I commented on the famous Madonna and child painting and how even in the 1600's, childbirth was seen as a glamorous event and a gift to women. I also started to find research on how other textiles artist have exhibited their work in an interesting way and I found secondary images of childbirth as I want to decide which I want to use as my final piece. Unfortunately, I must use a secondary image for my final piece because there is now way that I can photograph someone giving birth. I am going to research the copyright laws to make sure that I am able to use a secondary image as inspiration for my textiles piece and I will be reworking the colours and textures of the photograph in my final piece. This week I also created some dry point etchings of a baby crowning and of a photograph of my friend Charlotte's baby bump. I think that the prints turned out really well and though the process of printing and cleaning up is tedious, the prints are easy to create.


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