Weekly Review - 30th March 2018
Weekly Review #4
Llaria Margutti |
This week I visited Cardiff National Museum to view Paula Rego's work from the 'Female Genital Mutilation' series as, I fell in love with her work in my stage 2 project and I find her work both deeply disturbing and very inspiring and influential. I like how her art reflects the hardships she has faced throughout her life and brings to light the horrific experiences that women face in Portugal. After I visited Cardiff Museum, I then attended my life drawing class where we were interviewed about the life drawing classes and asked if we felt uncomfortable drawing nude models, for an article on walesonline.co.uk. I was having difficulty focusing on the poses and drawing them accurately in the lesson, so I didn't have as many good drawings as I wanted and I will try and make up for this in my next lesson. I have been editing and reworking some of my life drawings in my book and I hope to take some of them into a textiles piece in the future. I have been continuing to work in my sketchbook and I want to finish my textiles mark-making page, showing a range of line quality and thickness. I also finished my proposal this week and I received positive feedback from my peers and tutors, that I am proud of.
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