Weekly Review - 9th March 2018

Weekly Review #1

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On wednesday 7th of March 2018, we were given our 'Introduction into stage 3' presentation on what to include in our project, possible ways to structure our project and we were given our proposal by our tutors. The proposal must provide an outline brief of the major project and we have to conduct our own research, find artists to influence the project and decide what we want to create for our final piece. I started to think about what I wanted my project to be and include, in my stage 2 project and after speaking with my tutors I have decided that I want to research childbirth and how it affects and changes the body. I also want to continue to improve upon my textiles skills and techniques and I want to create a textiles final piece, that I will exhibit in the Riverfront. I am going to continue to create weekly reviews on my blog, create my timesheets and continue to research and write my proposal. 


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